Crowne Plaza Vientiane




使用 Crowne Plaza Vientiane 酒店的特别待遇和促销,实现您的老挝住宿效益最大化。

One Dollar Breakfast

For a limited time, stay with us and indulge in a premium full buffet breakfast at for just $1. 

Available only when book directly through the hotel website, with check-in on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

Nail Spa and Lounge

Unwind and revitalize with our tranquil and exceptionally effective treatments like never before with our exclusive range of 4 personalized treatment sets at Nail Spa and Lounge.

Dinner, Bed and Breakfast Offer

Our Dinner, Bed, and Breakfast Package offers the perfect blend of relaxation and gourmet dining. Book now for an unforgettable stay. 

Gift and Glow Promotion

Our signature spa treatments "Gift & Glow Promotion" will leave you glowing, and with a complimentary premium gift from Arodia.

Elevated Experience

Discover a new level of luxury and comfort with Elevate Experience package. Book now for an unforgettable stay. 

Exclusive Member Rate

Enjoy the best rate for IHG® One Rewards member at Crowne Plaza Vientiane. Earn Rewards Nights along with many other benefits

IHG One Rewards Dining Privileges

Make every meal one to remember with IHG One Rewards. Now, with delectable deals of 20% at Mosaic or 3 Merchants!

Professional Laundry Service

Your special garments deserve delicate care by Crowne Plaza Vientiane’s professional laundry and dry cleaning services. All laundry cycles go through a controlled and a delicate washing process using quality detergents such as Ecolab to ensure the quality delivery of your garments.